Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crayon Rubbing

Crayon Rubbings

Four layers of crayon rubbings.

First layer is in orange and is a texturized rubbing of a brick wall.

Second layer is in Blue and is another texturized rubbing of industrial steel.

Third layer is also in blue and is a text rubbing of the words "Pro Series"

Fourth layer is in Grey and is a symbol rubbing of arrows pointing towards the right of the page.

Three layers of Crayon Rubbings.

First Layer is in Blue and is a Text Rubbing of the word "WATER."

Second layer is in Green and is a Texturized Rubbing of grass and leaves.

Third layer is in Red and is a Symbol rubbing of AWC mountain logo.

Water signifies the elements
Grass and Leaves signifies life
AWC Logo signifies knowledge



Hello my name is Michael N Arellano.

I am currently enrolled at Arizona Western College studying Computer Graphics.

My goals for taking this class is to eventually score my own animations and or movies.

I have worked in studios before as a designer and quickly found that I simply love it. so much that i can not see myself doing it for anyone else another than myself. This is why I am where I am today.

In ten years I see myself working for Adult Swim or Google. Meanwhile continuing my passion for music and design.

I don't have a favorite vacation spot but I have known for years that my next and final home will be Colorado. Something calls me to it.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."   Willy Wonka.