Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Type Assignment

My Type

Cuffs 'N Google

Just for kicks, I'm sure all those conspiracies theorists will love this one.  

I dont like Violence. But I made A BOMB anyway. 
Don"t Trust Everything 

Pills Kill. Doctors don't make money if you're healthy. "Take these and it will help with that."
 I Don't Know? You Tell Me.

 How ever you choose to see it, I'm afraid I have to tell you... You're Wrong!

Yo What Happened To T? 
I think He's LOST?

All work shown was made with InDesign.

Very easy and fun way to use text.

Type Figures using Adobe InDesign

ID: Type Figures

Type Figure 1:

 As The Turntable Turns

Picture a top view of a DJ set... Now do you see it? I like this one very much. 
Type Figure 2:

Sign Language In Sound 

Simple and yet so nice. Sign wave slightly sideways showing sound as a signature. 

Type Figure 3:

The Terror Is Us

The fact is we are the terror. We are what the world fears. We create destruction.

Type Figure 4:


I'm tired! 

Type Figure 5:


In depth look at the word depth. But don't go too deep! 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Logo Design and Layout Stages

My Name, My Sound

The Concept for this piece is simple, My Initials(MNA) designed and written in sound waveform. 
The M is written as a square wave. The N is written as a sawtooth wave. The A is written as a triangle wave.

So... In that sense my initials can produce melodic sound. 

How is this GESTALT?

The Utilization of shapes.
Forces the eye to follow a path.
simple color tones.
complex and dense meaning.
hidden and thoughtfully placed imagery. 

Here is another version that didn't make the cut.

This is a scan of the original final sketch. Quite a difference. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Low Quality Raster LOGO Reconstruction in Vector Format


I scanned the image at 600 resolution so i can start with the best image possible.

Clean Up in Photoshop

The clean up in Photoshop was easy considering the quality i was starting with. I simply starts erasing grey's and floaters.

Live Trace in Illustrator

I live traced the image Illustrator found all the points on this terrible scanned image and started deleting points. the result was a somewhat clean image. which is good well better for the next part of the process.

Logo Reconstruction using Pen Tool in Illustrator 

This next part of the process had me stumped for a bit because I haven;t used Illustrator for awhile. i used the pen tool for tracing the result was smooth curves and straight lines. Once i got to the more difficult edges i started messing with anchor points. to get the pen to hug the curves more closely. Once I traced all of the image in different layers I started moving them around so i can reassemble from bottom to top filling the image with black and yellowish gold. 

File Formats

I started with a JPEG image
saved in Photoshop as a PSD
transferred to Illustrator and saved as GIF and save for web as JPEG

Advice On Vector Creation

My advice is to step back take a breath every now and then it can get aggravating at times especially with that pen tool. Also always save drafts with work history this helps when coming back to a project another day.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Vector File Size Comparison

Ai: Vector Selfie Compare File Sizes


I Image traced using three colors. when expanded points are surrounding all contrasting colors.

Points: Low
File Size: 2.2mb


I image traced using HIGH FIDELITY PHOTO.
When expanded points are covering almost the entire image. 

Points: Very High
File Size: 11.3mb


I used the pen tool to create a line with two anchor points at a ten point stroke. 

Points: 2
File Size: 49.8mb

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Vectorize Raster Logos

Raster RGB and INDEXED Increased Resolution Quality Comparison

Raster Indexed at 1000 pixels. 

Very rough around the edges and looks blown up from a smaller image. Lacking in color tone and colors look like they are running together.

Raster RGB at 1000 pixels.

 Smooth all around(compared to the indexed image) and
somewhat workable. You can also see more detail in the highlights and color tones. still looks a little blown up though.

GIF: Indexed Colors Quality and Edge Smoothing

Batman Logo Image trace in 3 color.

when zoomed in image looks very rough.

Batman Logo Image Trace in 16 Color.
When zoomed in image is very smooth and workable.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Clone Tool

Clone Tool

Clone Tool. The obvious third eye of Nathan. Where are we looking? This one is easy just took my right eye (which is on the left side of the image) and stamped it right on my forehead.   

Liquify Filter

Liquify Filter

Liquify filter gave myself a digital gauge. That's one heck of a ear lobe.

Tried very quickly to blend with the actual back round. It's cheesy but at least I got a chance to see myself with a gauge.

Gif Colors and Quality

Gif Colors and Quality

GIF #1

GCQ: Color 6 File size: 7k


6 Color very plane. much of the backround seems to be missing. objects colors run together. 

GIF #2

GCQ: Color 200 File Size: 36k


200 Color brings out the back round for sure. If you look closely at the eyes you will see a definite change in appearance.

JPG Compression and File Size

JPG Compression and File Size.

Filter Cutout jpg #1

Q: 0 and file size: 7k

Quality Observation:

The quality is to be expected very low. NO smooth edges what so ever. 

Filter Cutout jpg #2

Q: 60 file size: 28k

Quality Observation:

The quality is significantly better. it isn't the best but still better. definitely smoother around the edges.
 Filter Cutout #3

Q: 100 file size: 89k

Quality Observation:

The clarity is outstanding. very easy to see the difference between the three files.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015



    WIDTH: 3872PX     HEIGHT: 2034PX     IMAGE SIZE: 22.5MB


WIDTH: 1000PX    HEIGHT: 647PX     IMAGE SIZE: 1.85 MB

I opened the image in Photoshop. Went to IMAGE, IMAGE SIZE. The aspect ratio was already constrained. Select RESAMPLE...

Resize Image.
I changed the width from 3872px to 1000px, the height from 2034px to 647px, the image size from 22.5mb to 1.85mb.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

PS: Layers and Compositing


6 Different Layers

Layer One: Pyramids
Layer Two: Sheep
Layer Three: Tack
Layer Four: Goldfish
Layer Five: Film Reel
Layer Six: LightBulb


The film reel and the light bulb represent the sun and the moon. The sheep adds perception . The pyramids are a symbol for the rough and rugged terrain. The tack and Goldfish represent the slim pickins.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015



The Study of signs and symbols and their meanings.

 Discuss logo in general         terms and obvious details

 Identify specific symbols

 Identify ORIGIN of symbols

 Discuss meaning 

 Identify semiotic category




(with two points of view)


       View Point #1                                                                              View Point #2

 Time Warner Cable company logo.                                                              Time Warner Cable           
 Blue back round. Symbol or logo is                                                             company logo. Eye with  
 in white. No text.                                                                                          an obvious daze and or
                                                                                                                       trance like look.
 Two symbols one of an eye and                                                                 
 another symbol on top of that of                                                                  "The eye of Ra" used in
 a dreamy swirl in front.                                                                                cults for symbols of power
                                                                                                                       and or symbol of the power
 Time Warner claims to have                                                                         to subdue. "The daze look"
 meaning behind symbols other                                                                     used to symbolize
 than what they define it as.                                                                           unconsciousness, 
                                                                                                                       hypnotism, and or
 With Time Warners claim to have                                                                brainwashing.    
 no meaning behind the symbols they      
 used for their logo the semiotic                                                                    The semiotic category for
 category must be Iconic.                                                                               for Time Warner Cables
                                                                                                                       logo is Symbolic,
                                                                                                                       signifying the willingness
                                                                                                                       of our programming to 
                                                                                                                       their broadcasts.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crayon Rubbing

Crayon Rubbings

Four layers of crayon rubbings.

First layer is in orange and is a texturized rubbing of a brick wall.

Second layer is in Blue and is another texturized rubbing of industrial steel.

Third layer is also in blue and is a text rubbing of the words "Pro Series"

Fourth layer is in Grey and is a symbol rubbing of arrows pointing towards the right of the page.

Three layers of Crayon Rubbings.

First Layer is in Blue and is a Text Rubbing of the word "WATER."

Second layer is in Green and is a Texturized Rubbing of grass and leaves.

Third layer is in Red and is a Symbol rubbing of AWC mountain logo.

Water signifies the elements
Grass and Leaves signifies life
AWC Logo signifies knowledge



Hello my name is Michael N Arellano.

I am currently enrolled at Arizona Western College studying Computer Graphics.

My goals for taking this class is to eventually score my own animations and or movies.

I have worked in studios before as a designer and quickly found that I simply love it. so much that i can not see myself doing it for anyone else another than myself. This is why I am where I am today.

In ten years I see myself working for Adult Swim or Google. Meanwhile continuing my passion for music and design.

I don't have a favorite vacation spot but I have known for years that my next and final home will be Colorado. Something calls me to it.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."   Willy Wonka.